Experience Pellowah Therapy Sessions at Relaxtherapy in Cardiff

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Caroline Evans, owner of Relaxtherapy, against angel wings on wall

What is Pellowah Therapy?

Pellowah is an angelic word meaning "radical shift in consciousness to awaken." This powerful energy healing technique was first channelled in 2003 by Australian spiritual teacher Kachina Ma'an.

Pellowah's primary purpose is to facilitate awakening and enlightenment, offering a direct transmission of light from the source.


I am very blessed to be able to teach Pellowah healing, having been attuned and taught by the founder of Pellowah herself and my Pellowah teacher Julie Parker who taught and attuned me to level 1 and 2.


Profound Shifts and Benefits:

DNA Activation  

Pellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA, preparing them for activation.

Meridian Realignment 

Unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, promoting a sense of well-being and connection, allowing you to feel more confident in your body.

Personal Empowerment 

Increases your capacity for positive change and empowers you to take charge of your life and change your life's direction.


Expanded Perspectives  

Generates new and expanded perspectives, helping you make better choices and gain a better understanding of those around you.

Inner Peace 

Calms emotions, creating a feeling of inner peace, inner strength, and confidence – allowing you to make better life decisions.

Ongoing Benefits 

Experience a new lightness and sense of well-being that grows over time with each session, allowing you to develop into your ideal-self.




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The Pellowah Therapy Experience

During a Pellowah session, you will lie down comfortably with a blindfold and earplugs to minimize external distractions. I will initiate the Pellowah energy, creating a healing space for you to receive this high-vibrational energy. This process facilitates profound shifts in consciousness and brings about deep healing on multiple levels.


Why Choose Pellowah Therapy?

Pellowah is ideal for those seeking a significant shift in their consciousness and a deeper connection to their higher self and Source. If you are looking to unblock your energy pathways, align your meridians, and enhance your overall sense of well-being, Pellowah therapy offers a unique and powerful approach to achieving these goals.


Want to learn more about Pellowah and even teach the therapy to others? Take a look at my Pellowah Workshops.

Pellowah Workshops