What Is Happiness?

There are lots of theories on happiness, but what is it?

Definition… a state of being happy... a fleeting positive moment... an internal state of feeling good... a state of mind.

Is it something that makes you happy, or is it something that you are inside, or is it something you have, possess, to strive for, to obtain?

There are lots of articles on this and lots of research have been on happiness, I have searched the internet looking for it personally... maybe I shouldn't look for it there lol.

Is happiness all in our mind?

Is it external or internal?

Can you feel happy and sad at the same time?

Can we reach the true essence of happiness?

Is it already there… with us all the time… waiting to pounce on us at any moment?

Lots of questions here so I asked people what they thought and here it is…

I asked a question to many people, not lots of people just many people around me…

"What Makes You Happy?"

Answers… and here they are…

  • sleep
  • snuggling
  • perfectly cooked welshcake (yes I'm from Wales and not my answer)
  • nice smelling aftershave
  • men!!???
  • imagining a future with a family
  • happy family
  • friendships
  • contentment
  • a full rack of ribs with coleslaw and an oven baked jacket potato
  • prosecco
  • holidays
  • belly laughs
  • pets
  • having a purpose or goal
  • hot baths
  • admiring views
  • music

Theres lots more... I could go on and on

So what do you make of this list? Do you have something to add to it?

Did I ask the question in the right way? Perhaps I could ask “What are your views on happiness?” Would have I had different answers?

So, What Is Happiness?

Have you the perfect house, the perfect body, the perfect car, go on perfect holidays, the perfect life?

Some people may say those items brings them happiness, but is it short lived does it last when these items are gone or replaced, are people chasing after happiness?

Some people say external happiness is short-lived, yes for that moment in time they are happy with these things, but is it the actual process of achieving these things that brings the happiness? Do we go on to chase the next thing that brings us happiness? The next thrill? It can get addictive chasing the next thing to achieve, to obtain. Are we born to do that or taught along the way by observing others, by thinking we need that to fit in, to be happy, to be accepted by others. What a merry-go-round lol. Sounds like hard work at times!!! Do we need these external things in our life to make us happy? Some say yes!!! At times I would say yes too!!!! Yes these things do make me happy, make me contented for that moment in time. Is it the process of achieving these things through hard work that makes me feel happy? Or is it because it is handed to me easily that makes me happy? (through the process of hard work for me lol self achievement all of my own).

Give me your views on this, on the external factors of happiness I bet there are plenty of views and plenty of external factors to talk about. So your environment and surroundings make you happy, yes this can be a factor, although relying solely on this to keep you happy is not the answer to happiness. Can external factors determine our success and happiness in life? Do we have to have something to make us happy? I am happy because I have this and that... is that right though?

So what about internal happiness? What factors are at play here?

Are we born to be happy, with a sunnier disposition? Is it our default setting? Is it down to our genetics?

The life path we were set out to do before you were born?

When my grandson was born first thing I noticed and said to my daughter was “look at him, he looks happy he's going to be a happy boy!!!” And since then I have kept affirming that by saying it to others and thinking it to myself. So, am I influencing his happiness point, as we are made up of energy and vibes that can be felt by others and also affirming to the universe that he is going to be a happy boy? Who knows lol.

Perhaps we can influence others to be happy by a look, a thought, a vibe, perhaps they can pick up on your thoughts of them looking happy or seem to be happy, and then change their own thoughts of happiness at that time. We could create a tidal wave of happiness if that could be true though, I wonder if there has been a study on it. What other internal factors are there?

Our genetics, our chemical balances in our body and mind, our hormones (don't start me on that one lol). These can play a part to our happiness, so they say, like serotonin the happiness hormone as it called, which is a neurotransmitter, a substance designed to transmit messages from one nerve cell to another. It relays signals to the brain to regulate how a person feels. Serotonin levels determine whether a person feels happy or sad, hungry or full, cold or comfortable. Low levels can lead to depression, sleep disorders and various forms of addiction. It affects and controls mental and emotional processes, motor functions, your thremostat, regulation of blood pressure and hormonal functions. It is also found in the gut and makes you hungry, regulates your bowels, your metabolism, sex drive and moods. Another chemical is Dopamine which determines how happy it makes you feel to achieve goals and win rewards depending on your levels of it. This one could be linked to the external factors of happiness in gaining those achievements and wins. Another one is Oxytocin, the love hormone, helps us to become social creatures, to develop empathy, to create bonds and love towards others. And another one is Endorphins which are resposible for masking pain and discomfort and associated with the fight or flight response. Endorphins helps you push through and power on. These 4 chemicals help to activate your happiness and a lot to do with your feelings of happiness.

So how do we help to keep these chemicals in balance? Do we take the prescribed drugs off the doctor to help? Do we go natural and research which foods to eat or avoid to help in balancing these chemcals? Do we exercise and push through it? Do we engage with others in our social and family groups? Perhaps it's a combination of all, making sure our life is balanced to keep us happy.

So Happiness Is A State Of Being...

Suppose we can help towards our happiness states, perhaps by making changes to be happier which requires effort and commitment every day.

Only you have the power to change that set point of happiness within you, so turn up that dial to the up position to make things bigger, brighter as we want it to be.

It's the little things in life, and the big things too.

Happiness comes from within...

Please don't take this too seriously, happiness is being happy not being serious... lol.

Love you all…


Caroline Evans, owner of Relaxtherapy

Photo by Kate Stuart Photography